School Partnerships 

A consistent relationship between a church and a school. A church regularly serves a school’s needs, according to the strengths & resources of its capacity.

Components of a Partnership

  • A church serves according to school requests (we encourage a minimum of quarterly connections).

  • A point person serves as the contact lead between the church, school, and One Hope. A church serves according to school requests (we encourage a minimum of quarterly connections).

  • An ongoing relationship develops and the church serves in a variety of ways throughout the year. 

One Hope’s role in School Partnerships is to champion partnerships, share best practices and stories, help identify schools that need partners, streamline communication (between districts, schools and churches), and help churches collaborate to serve schools.

Best Practices

Build Lasting Relationships

Serve without an Agenda

Under Promise, Over Deliver

Find a School to Serve

We do our best to stay connected, share ideas and encourage one another. See the map below or follow the button for a list of local schools, churches who are partnering + schools in need of a partner church.
(Please help us keep this list up to date)

View School Partnership Map in a full screen map

Inquiry + Information

Begin a Partnership

  1. Identify a School (explore the school partnership map above).

  2. Start a conversation with school leadership to establish relationship and discover school needs.

  3. Consider with your leadership what school needs your church has capacity to meet.

  4. Make plans to serve, and keep us updated!

Easy On-Ramps

Teacher Appreciation (cards & hospitality)

Volunteer at School Functions

Grounds and Facilities Support

Provide ‘grab n go’ snacks / gift cards to support schools addressing food insecurity

Join in Project Hope & Thanksgiving Meals

Mentoring & Reading Support

Across the board, every school district has expressed the need for consistent caring adults in lives of students at all grades. Read the Register Guard article here.

Mentoring involves a weekly lunch with a school-identified student in middle school for the duration of a school year. Reading Support involves reading with an elementary student weekly to ensure they are at grade level.

If you’re interested in learning how you could be a mentor, email